We are GLD Energia

GLD was founded in 2008 with the main objective of meeting a demand for Business Management Consulting in industrial activities.
Thus, the experience gained over 30 years working in the construction and management of Pulp and Paper, Energy, Steel, Mining, Chemical, Food and Oil and Gas projects was contributed.
Over the years, we have also carried out industrial works and contributed our team to manage the project in some projects.
In early 2016, when the first photovoltaic energy auction ended at the end of 2015, we were invited to join the first studies for the construction of Photovoltaic Plants.
Initially, we qualified our management team and budgets in the best international practices applied in construction. However, we evolved and sought our own solutions, allied to the standards in force in Brazil and the international standards required in construction.
Our first major project took place at the beginning of 2017 and, from that moment on, we consolidated ourselves first in construction and then applied the PMI methodology that has been with us forever.
Currently, GLD is qualified to execute all stages of a photovoltaic project, known as EPC (Engineering, Procurement and Construction) delivering the plant working to our customers. This was only possible due to our formal structure, as well as its internal policies and programs that aim to operationalize and strengthen the Management Model, such as the variable remuneration system based on meritocracy, recognizing and rewarding its employees through their results , which are measured by combined indicators, according to their specific activity.
This remuneration policy aims to encourage creativity, favor the continuous improvement of processes and people, reward dedication and commitment, and is a direct action to exceed the expectations of our customers.

“To occupy a prominent position by the year 2025, as a company in the area of sustainable energy projects and in the provision of civil construction and electromechanical assembly, O&M, Due Diligence services, providing complete or partial plants in Engineering, Procurement and Construction. Act with operational excellence recognized by our customers and provide our employees with a comfortable standard of living.”
“Collaborate with technological development and growth, offering innovative solutions in the activities where we operate in a competitive and effective manner, acting as an agent in the process of transforming society, maintaining an active code of ethics and anti-corruption, preserving the environment and through a constant innovation, fostering the personal and professional growth of our employees.”
Our values are based on our standards of conduct and also by the essential pillars to support the VISION and MISSION of GLD Energia:
1 – Team
Provide employees with a work environment with a positive atmosphere, based on trust and mutual respect, encouraging innovation with a focus on achieving results with better quality, safety, cost and deadlines. Employee loyalty through a positive work environment, investments in professional training and profit sharing. More horizontal organization chart, reducing the amount of hierarchy between interlocutors, increasing autonomy with responsibility and, favoring the speed of information with a focus on better meeting the needs of employees and customers. Teamwork goes far beyond working together, doing your part. It’s about putting a lot of everyone’s competence into everything.
2 – Company
The concept of continuous improvement is a mental attitude that always seeks a way to improve everything; relationships, planning, systems, processes, services, products and training that are intrinsic to GLD Energia’s DNA. The constant search for new professional skills and new technologies is a responsibility of GLD Energia. Through Cost Optimization Control, this is a fundamental action for our customers and for GLD Energia's results. It must always be carefully taken care of, mainly through internal negotiation, a fact that generates cost reduction for customers and parameters for meritocracy.
3 – Customers
GLD Energia's full objective is customer satisfaction, to this end, our policies are aimed at an adequate understanding of the contracted scope, seeking to apply paths that result in cost reduction, reduced deadlines and increased quality. Commitment to customer satisfaction is the basis for a relationship of trust and consequently the acquisition of new services.